The answer is...Things people still buy when they don't have any money! We all know the economy is in the toilet right now. We can all argue over the reasons, but I'm pretty sure that by now, most of us are feeling it. I know I am. I never really worried about paying the bills and paying for my daughter's college, but I have had some sleepless nights lately.
So what's a crafty girl to do with the cost of supplies going up up up? I clip coupons for Michaels, Joann Fabrics, and Hobby Lobby and keep them in my wallet at all times. If you go to these sites, you can find the coupons and download them and print them.
I also buy in bulk from wholesale websites. It's a lot cheaper to buy 128 oz of resin at a time then buying 8 oz every three days! Check out web sites and auctions for some good deals on supplies.
Lastly, I am trying a new approach to making my jewelry and accessories. In the past, I would only use fine silver or sterling silver for my findings and ring bezels and blanks. With prices skyrocketing it's been expensive for me and I'm not selling the higher ticket items like I used to. I always felt sterling plated or gold plated findings were "beneath me"! Not anymore, sister! I just added a section to my Etsy shop called "Tres Cheap". I am making the same resin rings and resin necklaces, but I'm using gold and sterling plated findings. I listed a ring yesterday at $12.50 and it already has 35 views and 4 hearts! Now will see if it sells! I plan to list a new item every day or so for this experiment. I'll let you know how it pans out!
My thought is this: Adapt and overcome! People still like to feel pretty even when they don't have any money! It is our job to help them accomplish this..Cheaply and beautifully!! Look for new ways to make the same rockin' items, but at a better price for you and your customer! You'll be surprised at what you can do!