Monday, January 21, 2008

Blogging is Easy....

Blogging, like writing is easy, right? Just sit down and open up a vein, they say. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I've started a new quest this year. One to get organized, start a side business in something I love,(crafting jewelry), and lose weight and get in shape. The last will have to wait as I've been sitting on my ass making jewelry and working on my Etsy shop.

Opening an Etsy shop is not easy, I am finding. By the time I've made the jewelry, taken some decent pics, written a description, edited the pics, and uploaded them to the site, half of my morning is gone! Not to mention the joining of Flick'r, this Blog, and making contacts, hearting people, learning about postage rates, etc.. I'm exhausted! And to top it off, I don't know if anyone likes my stuff! I've made three sales thus far. I'm hoping my name gets out there and that people will remember the name of my shop. I think it's catchy, and it suits me. Strung Out & Wired, remember that!

Stay tuned as I continue my quest on Etsy, Flick'r, this Blog, and the whole weight loss, improving myself thing!


Sheila D. said...

Oooo! I just opened an etsy shop this week, too and I agree 100%! I happened to find you today when I typed in "Spring" and had a lovely introduction to your delicious jewelry! Welcome to the blogging world! I think you'll find several great resources out there for your quest! Look forward to seeing more to come. I don't normally blog on the weekend, but, if it's okay with you, I could do a little post on your shop. I did one a while ago for another seller, too. Let me know what you think! Cute blog/shop name, too!

strungoutandwired said...

Thanks, Sheila!
As you see, I have not been very active! Today is the first day of the rest of my life to blog, right? I would be honored if you would consider me for your blog some day!